April Member Spotlight: Stan Kiec
Stan’s impressed his doctor and found himself able to pursue the hobbies he loves pain-free while training at Body Zone’s indoor pool.

Stan Kiec and BZ Trainer Olivia Shaffer
Stan Kiec loves the outdoors – his passion for fishing and hiking keeps the 58-year-old happy and healthy in his spare time. But before he committed to a Body Zone personal training program, arthritis in his knees caused pain that made his hobbies less and less enjoyable. He’d often go to the doctor’s office and get cortisone shots to help relieve the pain.
Searching for a way to relieve the pain and pressure in his knees, Stan sought out BZ Aquatics Coordinator Kyle Lincoln and BZ Personal Trainer Olivia Shaffer to incorporate aquatic training into his recovery regimen.
With their guidance, he created a workout plan aimed at helping him lose weight, which would help him relieve some of the pressure on his knees, and enable himself to do the things he loves most – fishing and hiking – without the throbbing arthritic pain on the side.
His tailored workouts consist of treading water, running, and performing squats and lunges (two things he can’t do with his knees on land). He goes to Body Zone three times a week. Olivia crafts creative workout routines for Stan based on her sports background, and makes the sessions more than just about losing weight, or some end-goal.
Three other days a week, Stan does core workouts, stretching and takes long walks at home. With this mix of at-home work and pool training, he’s feeling better and has shed a few pants sizes as well!
Stan really enjoys his personal training at Body Zone because it’s instilled a routine, and sense of accountability to his health that he’s previously never had.
“It’s harder to blow off a workout when you know someone else has made the effort to meet you,” he told us. “They are waiting for you too.”
Beyond building a rhythm to his weekly workouts, Olivia has given him fantastic advice on nutrition, and has pushed him – mid-workout – in ways that he’d never be able to push himself.
Stan’s physician is so impressed with his progress with his arthritis that he told Stan to continue the water aerobics. Stan has no plans to quit, and looks forward to more hiking and fishing trips with all that arthritis pain left biting dust.