August Member Spotlight: Andrea Loud

Because we are so proud of our inspiring fitness community, we like to find out more about what makes certain members tick. Read this brief snapshot about Andrea Loud, busy mother, corporate leader and healthy role model.

Meet Andrea
I am a wife of one and mother of two children (ages 6 and 8). I am a Vice President at Wind-lock and have been there for 12 years. Outside of family and work, I very much enjoy coaching my son’s soccer team. We share the love of the sport and the love of team-building. In addition, I volunteer with our local soccer club as a Coaches’ Coordinator to recruit parents to help coach and ensure a successful experience. Also, our family enjoys traveling and spending time together.

Why and when did you join BZ?
I joined BZ in the middle of March 2017. BZ is close to work and has a great facility. I like the available fitness options – classes, equipment, activities, training, etc.

Why did you seek personal training services at Body Zone?
I have struggled with getting back into a routine of exercise for a few years and am feeling the effects of getting older. I wanted to be challenged and held accountable despite my full schedule.

How often do you exercise and what type(s) of exercise do you engage in?
I’ve been meeting with BZ Trainer Emily Gordon twice a week. We do weight training, cardio circuits and core exercises and anything else she creates.

What are your fitness goals?
My ultimate fitness goal is to feel better! If during the process of “feeling better,” I lose 25 lbs, get stronger and tone some questionable areas, then even better.

What is your biggest fitness challenge so far?
My biggest fitness challenge so far has been endurance and core development.

What is your greatest fitness achievement to date?
Steadily increasing weights on all my exercises, especially bench press which is usually a weak area for me. [BZ sidenote: According to her trainer, within two months of twice weekly training sessions, Andrea increased her squat and chest weight by 50% and was strong enough to execute movements independent of help.]

How has working with your personal trainer helped you?
Emily has absolutely held me accountable and motivated me to attend our sessions. She has worked around my sometimes uncertain schedule and provided me support to push myself to achieve success. I have also learned how to use the many options of accessories and equipment available. It keeps the sessions interesting and new every time!

What recommendation would you give to someone considering the guidance from
a personal trainer?

Do you want to have someone encouraging you along your path to reach your goals? Would you like to get creative with your routine and exercises? Do you want a resource for helping you decide which muscle groups to work when and how? Do you want someone providing options of exercises to find which ones work for you and do not cause discomfort or pain, but achieve the same results? Then developing relationship with a trainer is a no brainer!

What is your fitness and lifestyle advice for others?
Always set goals for yourself and share both your goals and your story with others. People like to encourage others when given the opportunity and while being inspired to set and achieve their goals.

1 Reply to "August Member Spotlight: Andrea Loud"

  • comment-avatar
    August 10, 2017 (9:17 AM)

    Congratulations Andrea!! Keep up the great work…