eBite: The Truth About Fats

For years, a low-fat diet was touted as the key to losing weight, managing cholesterol, and preventing deteriorated health. But it turns out that more than the amount of fat ingested, it is the types of fat you eat that really matter. Bad fats increase cholesterol and your risk of certain diseases, while good fats ... More

eBite: Raw vs. Cooked Veggies

Do vegetables lose their nutritional value when cooked? Raw foodists argue that cooking kills vitamins and minerals in food and denatures the enzymes that aid in digestion, but it turns out that raw vegetables are not always healthier. A 2008 study from the British Journal of Nutrition noted that subjects who ... More

eBite: Eat Your Bulbs + Recipe

Allium vegetables, often referred to as bulb vegetables, are aromatic vegetables used widely in cooking to add flavor to many dishes. Their earthy and pungent sweetness can transform any dish, and the sulfides that give them their strong aroma have been linked to a reduced risk for breast and colon cancer and have ... More

eBite: Let Your Plate Control Your Portions + Recipe

Most dieters agonize over what to eat for their dinner. Now, research has suggested that those who want to lose weight should think instead about the plates on which they serve their meals. Does the color of your plate affect how much you eat? A new study by Dr. Brian Wansink et al from Cornell University indicates ... More

eBite: Eating Before You Work Out + Recipe

Yes! A pre-workout meal, eaten three hours within your workout, can offer multiple health benefits that can power you through your fitness practice. Replenishing your glycogen stores with nutrition can improve your energy level significantly during a workout, as your muscles are fueled by the energy created by ... More

eBite: Brain Boosters + Recipe

Alzheimer's Disease is the most common form of dementia and the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. In this progressive, irreversible disorder, nerve cells in the brain slowly degenerate, causing problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Despite extensive research, both cause and cure for Alzheimer's ... More

Weekly eBite: Why Nuts Are Healthy + Recipe

Nuts are underrated nutritional gems, packed full of protein and linked to lowering levels of cholesterol, decreasing heart disease, reducing weight, and lowering the risk of cancer. Americans do not eat nuts regularly, which account for only 8% of daily antioxidant intake, possibly because people are afraid of the fat ... More

Weekly eBite: Guilt-Free Winter Breakfasts + Recipe

Once cold weather hits, a bowl of cereal just doesn’t cut it. But deciding how to keep a comforting wintertime breakfast meal healthful can be a challenge. When it is freezing cold outside and the snow is falling, many of us crave bacon, eggs, pancakes, and cinnamon buns. Problem is, these foods can really kill a ... More

Weekly eBite: Easy Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

During the holidays, we're forever surrounded by food and the ever-present temptations of rich meals and indulgent portions. With so much accessibility to eating, how do you prevent that unpleasant holiday weight gain? The answer is mindful eating. Mindful eating is defined as the practice of being mentally present ... More

Weekly eBite: Creating A Sustainable “Green” Plate + Recipe Too!

A lot of people are "going green" with their menus, buying food that is sustainable, local or organic. Some of those eating greener decide to grow their own food and compost all of their waste, while others are using reusable bags at the grocery store. However you decide to make food decisions that are environmentally ... More