17 Results for tag: health

Is RED-S Preventing You From Making Progress in Your Workouts?

By: Jackie Confalone, read her bio below Many people begin, or ramp up, their fitness routine with a specific goal in mind. But as the days and weeks pass, they’re feeling cranky, tired, and out of sorts. It seems like the harder they work at the gym or on the running or cycling path, the less progress they make. So, what’s going on? You may be ... More

How to Start Exercising When You Don’t Want To

By: Jackie Confalone | read her bio below “Getting fit is all about mind over matter. I don't mind, so it doesn't matter.” ― Adam Hargreaves “If by ‘crunches’ you mean the sound potato chips make when you chew them, then yes, I do crunches.” -Unknown “Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away.” ... More

Keep Your Fitness Routine On Vacation

By Jackie Confalone (read her bio below) You’ve planned it for several months, maybe even a year. You get as many tasks as possible completed at work, so you aren’t overwhelmed when you return. As the date comes closer, your anticipation builds, and you can’t wait to go on vacation! You begin packing, either checking items off your travel list or ... More

Making Fitness A Lifestyle

Although I’ve been a group fitness instructor for 38 years, my fitness journey has taken twists and turns I never could have anticipated. My fitness journey started when I attended an evening low impact cardio class through the YMCA at an extension site near my house. After one and little more years of taking the class, the instructor asked if I’d be ... More

Don’t Have Time to Exercise? Try HIIT!

By: Jackie Confalone You know that person on the elliptical or treadmill who exercises for an entire episode of HGTV, and stays at the same pace the whole time? (Maybe you are THAT person?) Well, I’m sorry to break it to them, but they could be spending a lot less time on the cardio machines and seeing better results, thanks to an exercise format ... More

How Flexible Are You?

By: Jackie Confalone Think you’re physically fit? Complete physical fitness means more than being able to run a mile, bike for thirty minutes, lift weights, or take group fitness classes. True physical fitness includes five key components: 1. Cardiovascular endurance 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance 4. Flexibility 5. Body composition... More

Strength In Numbers

By: Jackie Confalone Back in January, you may have set some New Year’s resolutions, or as I wrote previously, Whole-Year Resolutions. Perhaps you’ve tried some cardio machines, walking on the track at Body Zone, and tried Body Zone's more than 85 weekly group fitness classes. Maybe a brief thought came into your mind to try lifting some weights or ... More

Resolutions: Perspective + Self-Care

By: Debbie Stiller, Body Zone Director of Wellness and Aquatics With a new year upon us, I like so many of you, I am sure, are reflecting on your life and thinking about what 2018 will bring. Over the years I have made resolutions for the future which never came to be. I almost always came to the conclusion that something was wrong with me: I was either ... More

31 Holiday Health Tips

Let our Holiday Wellness Calendar be your guide as you ease into this holiday season! It's full of tips and strategies to keep your energy up, weight down and mind satisfied this holiday season. Download a calendar at the link provided below or stop by Guest Services or the 2nd floor Wellness Center desk to pick up a copy. Track the days (circle the ... More

eBite: Snack Your Way To Better Health

Those who nibble on snacks in the mid-afternoon tend to pick healthier bites, according to a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago that was published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The researchers found that afternoon snackers ate more fiber, fruit, and veggies; while also losing more weight. Snacking helps you lose ... More