Is RED-S Preventing You From Making Progress in Your Workouts?

By: Jackie Confalone, read her bio below Many people begin, or ramp up, their fitness routine with a specific goal in mind. But as the days and weeks pass, they’re feeling cranky, tired, and out of sorts. It seems like the harder they work at the gym or on the running or cycling path, the less progress they make. ... More

How to Start Exercising When You Don’t Want To

By: Jackie Confalone | read her bio below “Getting fit is all about mind over matter. I don't mind, so it doesn't matter.” ― Adam Hargreaves “If by ‘crunches’ you mean the sound potato chips make when you chew them, then yes, I do crunches.” -Unknown “Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I ... More

Making Fitness A Lifestyle

Although I’ve been a group fitness instructor for 38 years, my fitness journey has taken twists and turns I never could have anticipated. My fitness journey started when I attended an evening low impact cardio class through the YMCA at an extension site near my house. After one and little more years of taking the class, ... More

How Flexible Are You?

By: Jackie Confalone Think you’re physically fit? Complete physical fitness means more than being able to run a mile, bike for thirty minutes, lift weights, or take group fitness classes. True physical fitness includes five key components: 1. Cardiovascular endurance 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance 4. ... More

Strength In Numbers

By: Jackie Confalone Back in January, you may have set some New Year’s resolutions, or as I wrote previously, Whole-Year Resolutions. Perhaps you’ve tried some cardio machines, walking on the track at Body Zone, and tried Body Zone's more than 85 weekly group fitness classes. Maybe a brief thought came into your ... More

How To Love Fitness (Even In The Bitter Cold Of Winter)

By: Jackie Confalone There is a lot happening in February. Wait ... what? February? Groundhog Day, President’s Day, African American History, Women’s History, Heart Month, the Super Bowl, Chinese New Year, World Nutella Day (yes, really), and one of my favorites, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (February 5th if you ... More

Whole-Year Resolutions (Not New Year’s Resolutions)

By: Jackie Confalone Happy New Year! Time for New Year’s resolutions? The thought of them may fill you with anxiety, may inspire you to make positive changes in your life, or may completely turn you off. At the beginning of a new year, many make serious resolutions such as exercise more, lose weight, or save money. ... More

Your Fitness And The Holidays

Finding the time to go to the gym during the holidays may not be a holiday miracle, but it is giving your body the gift it deserves! More

February Health Spotlight: Kris Gillotti

We love hearing from our inspiring members and staff, and we recently caught up with Kris Gilotti, staff member since 2014, to learn more about her health and fitness journey. A beloved member of our group fitness instructing team, you'll find Kris poolside and on dry land making our members feel happy, energized, ... More

January Member Spotlight: Renee Bailey

Ask Renee what her favorite gift was this past Christmas and she'll tell you without hesitation that it was a training package at Body Zone. It was a great surprise from her husband who knew she wanted to make a change to better herself but was struggling with results and simply showing up for workouts.  ... More