June Member Spotlight: Jenny Ritner

Who: Jenny Ritner, 57, joined Body Zone last November 2016 In April 2017, Jenny celebrated five years as a breast cancer survivor. She wants to continue to improve her health and make strides in her recovery from the side effects of chemotherapy with the help of Body Zone. On weekday mornings – four or five times a ... More

eBite: The Truth About Fats

For years, a low-fat diet was touted as the key to losing weight, managing cholesterol, and preventing deteriorated health. But it turns out that more than the amount of fat ingested, it is the types of fat you eat that really matter. Bad fats increase cholesterol and your risk of certain diseases, while good fats ... More

We’re Good For Dads

Show Dad how much you care about his health and fitness. Share your Body Zone wellness experience with him through a TWO-WEEK FREE PASS … JUST FOR DADS OF MEMBERS! How it works: • Offer available until June 23, 2017 • Member must accompany Dad to sign up with a Body Zone Member Advisor • Pass ... More

eBite: Raw vs. Cooked Veggies

Do vegetables lose their nutritional value when cooked? Raw foodists argue that cooking kills vitamins and minerals in food and denatures the enzymes that aid in digestion, but it turns out that raw vegetables are not always healthier. A 2008 study from the British Journal of Nutrition noted that subjects who ... More

Member Appreciation Day on June 13

Join us as we celebrate YOU during Member Appreciation Day on Tuesday, June 13! Enjoy free, fun and good-for-you programs, activities and parties -- our way of saying thank you for being a part of the BZ family. Schedule of Events (All programs except for Breakfast Break and Healthy Happy Hour require advance sign ... More

eBite: Build A Better Burger

It’s grilling season and burgers top the list of the most popular foods to slap on the grill in summer. Not only is it the quintessential comfort food, it is truly an American classic too. The trouble is, a broiled quarter pound hamburger has 20 grams of total fat, 8g of saturated fat. So can you indulge, without ... More

May Member Spotlight: Dennis Karahalias

Dennis Karahalias, 58, a long-time Body Zone member, has an enduring and inspiring message: When results from working out are nowhere to be found, “remember that you can’t outrun your fork, and abs are always, always made in the kitchen.” The way Dennis talks about his health goals, you’d probably think he’s ... More

eBite: Eat Your Bulbs + Recipe

Allium vegetables, often referred to as bulb vegetables, are aromatic vegetables used widely in cooking to add flavor to many dishes. Their earthy and pungent sweetness can transform any dish, and the sulfides that give them their strong aroma have been linked to a reduced risk for breast and colon cancer and have ... More

eBite: Let Your Plate Control Your Portions + Recipe

Most dieters agonize over what to eat for their dinner. Now, research has suggested that those who want to lose weight should think instead about the plates on which they serve their meals. Does the color of your plate affect how much you eat? A new study by Dr. Brian Wansink et al from Cornell University indicates ... More

eBite: Eating Before You Work Out + Recipe

Yes! A pre-workout meal, eaten three hours within your workout, can offer multiple health benefits that can power you through your fitness practice. Replenishing your glycogen stores with nutrition can improve your energy level significantly during a workout, as your muscles are fueled by the energy created by ... More