June Member Spotlight: Carol Angelisanti
When BZ member Carol Angelisanti embarked on her wellness journey in 2014 – quitting smoking and starting to watch what she ate very closely – she wasn’t immediately sure how to tackle working out, or “going to a gym.” She worked out at home frequently after days of inactivity at the bank where she worked. She wanted to curb that restless feeling after sitting behind a computer all day, but ultimately decided that piecing together workouts at home just wasn’t enough.
With little experience working out at a gym, Carol joined BZ with the intention of truly engaging in her workout plans. She paired with BZ personal trainer Melissa Figura to get a comprehensive understanding of BZ’s offerings – from the weight machines on the training floor, to the cardio machines and wide variety of group fitness classes.
As she began to discover a routine, and learning the proper techniques and methods behind different exercises, she began to realize how valuable her decision to get a personal trainer was.
“Most of what I learned on this journey I learned from my trainer,” Carol said of Melissa. “I had no idea what to do once I got to the gym, and she taught me – and continues to teach me – more than I ever imagined. I cannot think of a better “coach” that will push you to your limits and then challenge you to go beyond those limits.”
Since forming a routine with Melissa when she joined Body Zone, Carol has seen numerous results. She feels that she has more energy, a stronger core, more muscle tone — and lost 23 pounds in 2018 alone!
Not all credit is due to personal training or her devoted workout schedule (she likes to do BODYPUMP twice a week, SPRINT (high intensity interval training on a bike) twice a week and works out once a week on her own), though. Her mindset is truly inspiring.
“I had to convince myself in my mind that improvement to my fitness level would require commitment and hard work,” she told us. “No matter how hard I worked or how discouraged I became at times, I had to keep going. The results are really showing, too.”

BZ Trainer Melissa Figura with Carol
It was times where she felt most discouraged, however, that Melissa came to her side, and pushed her through a tough hurdle. That’s what Carol says the true value of a personal trainer is.
“Melissa encouraged me to work hard and then work even harder, and some moves I was unable to do at the beginning I can now do much more easily,” she said. “Any time I become frustrated or discouraged she’s there to encourage me to keep trying.”