How To Love Fitness (Even In The Bitter Cold Of Winter)

By: Jackie Confalone There is a lot happening in February. Wait ... what? February? Groundhog Day, President’s Day, African American History, Women’s History, Heart Month, the Super Bowl, Chinese New Year, World Nutella Day (yes, really), and one of my favorites, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (February 5th if you ... More

Whole-Year Resolutions (Not New Year’s Resolutions)

By: Jackie Confalone Happy New Year! Time for New Year’s resolutions? The thought of them may fill you with anxiety, may inspire you to make positive changes in your life, or may completely turn you off. At the beginning of a new year, many make serious resolutions such as exercise more, lose weight, or save money. ... More

Your Fitness And The Holidays

Finding the time to go to the gym during the holidays may not be a holiday miracle, but it is giving your body the gift it deserves! More

Country Meadows “Fit After 50” Spotlight: Roger Moyer

We’re thrilled to partner with Country Meadows Retirement Communities to bring you our newest active aging member in the spotlight: Roger Moyer! Because we're so proud of our inspiring fitness community, we like to find out more about what makes certain members tick especially Roger who shows us that staying very ... More

How To Find Motivation To Work Out

By Body Zone Trainer Olivia Shaffer We all want to get in shape and for the most part we know how to. There's no magic secret, you exercise and eat healthy. So then why do we lose motivation two weeks into a healthy lifestyle? Once the initial "I'm ready to be healthy!" excitement ends, the motivation ends as well. ... More

Member Spotlight: Nancy Beauvais

We are thrilled to partner with Country Meadows Retirement Communities to bring you our newest member spotlight. Because we are so proud of our inspiring fitness community, we like to find out more about what makes certain members tick especially Nancy who shows us that staying very active and consistent with her ... More

Donna’s Top Four Activities For Kids

Donna Lascoskie, our director of youth programs (Tot Sports, Summer Camp, Day Camp and Parties!) for the past eight years, and a career coordinator of all things children and youth, knows a thing or two about how to get kids moving and engaged. We tapped her for the latest ideas AKA proven winners since our summer campers ... More

Member Spotlight: Lori Anewalt

Because we are so proud of our inspiring fitness community, we like to find out more about what makes certain members tick especially Lori who began her fitness journey at Body Zone with her daughter Lucia by her side. Learn more about Lori, a new member of the Body Zone family, in her own words. About Lori: "I am ... More

Member Spotlight: Nick Amicone

We're thrilled to partner with Country Meadows Retirement Communities to bring you our newest member spotlight. Because we are so proud of our inspiring fitness community, we like to find out more about what makes certain members tick especially Nick who shows us that staying consistent with her fitness really pays ... More

International Ice Skating Camp At Body Zone

Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex will hold a 10-day ice skating camp beginning on Tuesday, January 21 for 11 South American ice skaters ranging in ages 8 - 25. Eight skaters are from Brazil, including the South American champion and three National champions in different categories. Two are from Ecuador, and one from ... More