Physical Activity Is Declining In Schools Today. Body Zone Can Help!

It’s not a secret that American kids aren’t quite as active these days. Children’s playtime has been continually declining, and it is effecting their growth and character development. Parents and children today feel increased academic pressure, which has resulted in 30% of kindergarten classes no longer breaking for recess. Due to these trends, many kids are not developing physical activity skills or the confidence to be physically active later on in life. The importance of physical education in schools is extremely understated. Children that do have physical education classes or recess time each day are more likely to be active outside of school, resulting in much better overall health.

Physical activity can also help your child’s mental health. Routinely active children are less likely to become inattentive, anxious, depressed and unhealthy. When children are engaged in physical activity, they are more likely to engage in social situations, develop better decision-making skills and develop emotional intelligence. Playtime increases creativity, organization, self-esteem and confidence. Specifically, playing sports can help your child make friends and learn to get along with other kids.

So what can our community do for children who aren’t getting enough physical activity? Body Zone wants to help. Our new Junior Gym STRONG fitness education program educates kids ages 12-15 on the many benefits of being active. Let’s get our kids moving and let’s educate them on the why and how behind their fitness and health. Junior Gym STRONG is gym class amped up — full of empowering advice and education, expert instruction with weekly lessons plans on training and lifting and a great workout too! Classes begin January 8, 2019. Learn more here.

Other ways to get your child moving at Body Zone include swim lessons, ice skating with the family, and/or ice skating lessons, ice hockey lessons and leagues, our Junior Gym Certification Certification Course, School’s Out Day Camps and more!


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